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Final Course: Code-Gorilla

A. Worldwide Achievements - How to become a successful Code-Gorilla!

Congratulations for successfully passing the Advanced-Monkey course! From now on, it is your duty to expand your knowledge for the greatest good! All the other Code-Monkeys will be happy to learn from your skills! Becomig a successful Code-Gorilla must be a part of every programmer`s life! However, it is not that easy. You need to improve your skills every day, in oder to succeed.

B. How to become your own Gorilla-Boss.

Becoming your own Gorilla-boss is something you need to work hard for, in order to achieve. When you become tgr best at what you do, you will feel the Gorilla Spirit inside your soul! After that, you will have the power to become your own boss - you wil not somebody to tell you what to do. THE POWER WILL BE IN YOURSELF!!! You will be able to hack whatever you want, do whatever you want wherever you want! Of course this is possible! However, you need to notice one thing - DO NOT USE YOUR GORILLA POWER AGAINST THE CODE-MONKEYS! Use your power for the world's good, because if you do not do so, you will not be a real Code-Gorilla!

C. Is retirement necessary?

Nowadays, this is an issue, discussed a lot. The problem is that many people think that non-young programmers are not as good as the young ones. Well, us, Code-Monkeys and Code-Gorillas, can prove these people wrong! We are qualified, smart and intelligent enough to be better than the young programmers! So, our answer to this question is: No, it is not, as long as you are a part of our community - and as long as you are a real Code-Monkey or Code-Gorilla!


To finish things off, here is a legend for the first successful in programming monkey - THE SUCCESSFUL GORILLA-MONKEY MASTER: A long time ago, one little monkey decided to achieve his dreams - to be successful and also - to help for the comfort of the other monkeys. So, the best thing he could do, was to become a real programmer and make others` life easier. After many years, one day he was able to do whatever he wanted - but what is more important - he did it for others` good. So, do you know what happened? HE FELT THE POWER!!! The greatest holy binary power started expanding ih his soul... He is the master of all future Code-Monkeys, as well as the Code-Gorillas! So, we need to respect him and wish that we could be more like him!