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Beginner Course: Code-Monkey Basics

About the beginner course:

Week One: How to act like you're l33t.

Week Two: How to update Adobe Reader.

Week Three: How to write a fully-functional operation system from scratch.

Week Four: How to copy/paste.

Week Five: How to copy/paste.

Week Six: How to copy/paste.

Week Seven: How to copy/paste.

So you want to be a code monkey!

Congratulations! You're an idiot. But on a lighter note- lets discuss what you are getting yourself into.

Medical requirements:

Do you have caffeine intolerance? Too bad - you're out. Every self-respecting code monkey needs its caffeine to function correctly. Without a minimal daily intake you cannot receive the code deities' wisdom. Then your frontal cortex stops functioning and you die.

Time you will need to invest:

Lots. And lots and lots of time. If you do you'll get good - that's for sure. And yet, there will always be a twelve-year-old somewhere much better than you!

Social life:

You'll have none. Buy a japanese anime pillow and tissues.